Matters were made worse when opportunistic cybercriminals launched an email phishing campaign targeting Kaseya’s victims. Those who opened the email attachment had a remote control software application installed on their machines. However, there’s a glimmer of hope for those affected. Kaseya has now offered a universal decryptor to resolve the ransomware problem once and for all.

Kaseya Ransomware Fix

Kaseya has been providing regular updates on the issues caused by REvil’s attack. It impacted as many as 1,500 networks across the globe, due to Kaseya’s large client base. Now, several weeks following the ransomware attack, Kaseya has released a statement. According to the update, you can now download a decryptor that will unlock systems being held for ransom by the malicious software. So, where did this decryptor come from? There’s no evidence to suggest that Kaseya decided to pay the ransom to REvil, a figure set at $70 million before being lowered to $50 million. In fact, several tech blogs have pointed to evidence that REvil could’ve disappeared into the woodwork. Many of REvil’s websites on the darknet have gone offline, and it’s not clear as to why. Perhaps the authorities have finally caught up to the cybercrime group, or perhaps there’s another reason. One thing we know for sure is that it’s not unheard of for companies to pay up.

Do Companies Pay Ransomware?

While we always advise ignoring scams and avoiding malicious websites that want your payment information, unfortunately, sometimes crime does pay. According to a Kaspersky report, the exact numbers are actually quite shocking. More than 50% of ransomware victims pay the demands. However, as you might expect, it doesn’t end there. Only about half of these victims get their computers and data back the way that it was. One thing’s for sure. If you receive an email containing an attachment, don’t open it unless you’re sure that you know the sender. But as this month’s events have shown us, even then, you could still fall victim to cybercrime. For more information on ransomware, check out this article.

Kaseya Releases Universal Decryptor   VPNOverview com - 2Kaseya Releases Universal Decryptor   VPNOverview com - 85Kaseya Releases Universal Decryptor   VPNOverview com - 99Kaseya Releases Universal Decryptor   VPNOverview com - 90